Transportation & Logistics » Air Transport » Airline passenger experience in the U.S. | Passengers denied boarding by U.S. air carriers 2017

Passengers denied boarding by the largest U.S. air carriers 1990-2017

Number of passengers denied boarding by the largest U.S. air carriers from 1990 to 2017 (in thousands)

The data depicts the number of passengers denied boarding by the biggest U.S. air carriers from 1990 to 2017. In 2017, some 365,000 passengers were denied boarding by the biggest U.S. air carriers. This number has strongly improved over the years; in 2010 more than 746,000 people were denied boarding.

1990 628
1995 842
2000 1120
2001 900
2002 837
2003 769
2004 747
2005 597
2006 674
2007 685
2008 684
2009 719
2010 746
2011 626
2012 598
2013 494
2014 467
2015 531
2016 470
2017 365