Transportation & Logistics » Air Transport » Airports in the United States | Runway pavement conditions of U.S. airports 2017

U.S. airports - runway pavement conditions 2000-2017

State of NPIAS airports in the United States from 2000 to 2017, by runway pavement conditions

The data depicts the state of U.S. airports from 2000 to 2016, based on the runway pavement conditions. In this time period, U.S. airports' runways have been slightly improving. In 2017, some 80% of airports runway pavements were in good condition.

2000 5 22 73
2005 4 21 75
2010 3 18 79
2011 2 18 80
2012 2 18 80
2013 2 17 81
2014 2 17 80
2015 2 18 80
2016 2 18 80
2017 2 18 80