Transportation & Logistics » Air Transport » Airports in the United States | New York JFK Airport - JetBlue's passenger traffic 2017

JetBlue's passenger traffic at New York JFK Airport 2011-2017

JetBlue's U.S. passenger traffic at New York John F. Kennedy Airport from 2011 to 2017 (in 1,000 passengers)

The data depicts the number of passengers on U.S. flights operated by JetBlue at its main hub, New York J. F. Kennedy International Airport, between 2011 and 2017. In 2017, just over ten million people were transported on JetBlue's U.S. flights.

2011 9260
2012 9435
2013 9069
2014 9112
2015 9793
2016 10159
2017 10025