Top Fractional operators in the United States - total flight hours 2016-2017

Total flight hours of the top Fractional operators in the United States in 2016 and 2017 (in thousands)

The data displays the top Fractional U.S. charter flight operators in 2016 and 2017, ranked by flight hours. In 2017, the biggest Fractional operators in the U.S. was Netjets, with almost 365,500 hours flown.

Netjets 339.91 365.5
Flexjet 73.19 78.9
Planesense 33.9 35.34
Flight Options 39.86 34.93
Executive Flight Services 17.53 18.22
Airsprint Canada 8.73 10.79
West Coast Charters 6.31 7.08
Netjets Eurpoe 4.47 4.06