Transportation & Logistics » Air Transport » Delta Air Lines | Delta Air Lines: available seat miles 2017

Delta Air Lines' available seat miles 2008-2017

Delta Air Lines Inc.'s available seat miles from FY 2008 to FY 2017 (in millions)

The data describes Delta's available seat miles between the fiscal year of 2008 and the fiscal year of 2017. In the fiscal year of 2017, the company's available seat miles came to over 254.3 billion. According to the source, ASMs equal the total number of seats available for transporting passengers during a reporting period multiplied by the total number of miles flown during that period.

2008 165639
2009 230331
2010 232684
2011 234656
2012 230415
2013 232740
2014 239676
2015 246764
2016 251867
2017 254325