Transportation & Logistics » Air Transport » Vehicles in use in the U.S. | Number of drivers licensed in the U.S. 2016

Number of licensed drivers - United States 1990-2016

Number of licensed drivers in the United States from 1990 to 2016 (in thousands)

The data describes the number of drivers licensed to operate a motor vehicle in the U.S. from 1990 to 2016. In 2016, there were around 222 million drivers holding a valid license in the United States

90 167015
91 168995
92 173125
93 173149
94 175403
95 176628
96 179539
97 182709
98 184861
99 187170
00 190625
01 191276
02 194602
03 196166
04 198889
05 200549
06 202810
07 205742
08 208321
09 209618
10 210115
11 211875
12 211815
13 212160
14 214092
15 218084
16 221712