Transportation & Logistics » Logistics » Last-mile delivery | Urban commercial transport - parcel delivery costs 2017

Costs of parcel delivery in developed and dense cities - by type and method 2017

Breakdown of parcel delivery costs in developed and dense cities in 2017, by delivery method (in U.S. dollars per cubic meter)

The data displays the comparison of parcel delivery costs in developed and dense cities in 2017, broken down by type and delivery method. The labor costs of delivering a parcel using diesel-based deliveries from urban consolidation centers would amount to 2.8 USD per cubic meter, compared with the traditional B2B delivery, which amounts to 4.15 USD per cubic meter.

Traditional B2B delivery (diesel-based) 4.15 1.2 0.85 0.2
UCC delivery (diesel-based) 2.8 0.7 1.1 0.1
UCC delivery (electric vehicle-based) 2.8 0.05 1.7 0.05