Transportation & Logistics » Logistics » Transportation industry in Italy | Rail infrastructure investment Italy 2004-2013

Investment in rail transport infrastructure in Italy 2004-2013

Amount of money invested in rail transport infrastructure in Italy from 2004 to 2013 (Figures expressed in millions of euros)

This line graph shows the amount of money invested annually in rail transport infrastructure in Italy from 2004 to 2013. Approximately 5.7 billion euro was spent on improving rail network infrastructure in Italy in 2009. The year in which the most money was spent on improving rail transport infrastructure in the time period shown was 2005.

2004 8809
2005 10174.8
2006 8969.7
2007 7701.9
2008 7109
2009 5687
2010 4773
2011 4466
2012 4238
2013 4103