Consumer Goods » Clothing » Primark | Primark number of stores by country 2014-2017

Associated British Foods: store numbers worldwide 2014-2017, by country

Number of stores of Associated British Foods' retail division worldwide from 2014 and 2017, by country

The data displays the number of stores of Associated British Foods' retail division worldwide as of the financial years ending September 2014 to September 2017, broken down by country. The retail division of Associated British Foods is the responsible for the leading clothing retailer, Primark. As of September 2017, the company had the biggest number of retail stores in UK, with 182 stores, followed by Spain, with 44 stores, and the Republic of Ireland, with 37 stores. In 2015, the retailer opened its first store outside of Europe in the U.

UK 164 164 171 182
Spain 40 40 41 44
Republic of Ireland 36 37 36 37
Germany 19 13 20 22
Netherlands 12 8 15 18
France 5 5 8 11
Portugal 8 7 9 9
USA 1 0 5 8
Austria 4 3 5 5
Belgium 4 1 4 5
Italy 0 0 1 4