Transportation & Logistics » Vehicles & Road Traffic » Road accidents in Europe | Road accident casualty costs in Great Britain 2016

Casualty costs from road accidents in the United Kingdom 2016, by severity

Total casualty related costs from road accidents in the United Kingdom in 2016, by accident severity (Figures are expressed in millions of British Pounds, except where otherwise indicated)

The data displays the casualty related costs from road accidents in Great Britain (UK) in the year 2016 according to the severity of the accident. The total human costs for serious casualties in road accidents reached over 4 billion GBP in the year 2016. Similarly, in the fatal and slight accident categories, human costs remained the highest, coming in at 2.3 and 1.8 billion GBP respectively.

Lost output 1150 592 381
Medical and ambulance 11 355 162
Human costs 2265 4034 1817