Transportation & Logistics » Vehicles & Road Traffic » Road accidents in Europe | GB: drivers killed with high blood alcohol levels 1980-2014

High blood alcohol in drivers killed in accidents in the United Kingdom 1980-2014

Percentage of drivers killed in road accidents with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit in the United Kingdom from 1980 to 2014

The data displays the percentage of drivers killed in road accidents in Great Britain between 1980 and 2014 who had a blood alcohol level over the legal limit. Since 2000 the percentage has ranged between 19 and 26% with 24% of drivers killed in road accidents in 2012 found with an illegally high blood alcohol level.

Over the period of record, there has been a general trend of decline in the percentage of drivers with blood alcohol levels over the legal limit killed in road accidents in Great Britain, with the greatest share of drivers since 1985 being 26% in 2006.

1980 32
1985 28
1990 18
1995 21
2000 22
2001 22
2002 23
2003 22
2004 25
2005 24
2006 26
2007 22
2008 24
2009 25
2010 22
2011 19
2012 24
2013 21
2014 20