Transportation & Logistics » Vehicles & Road Traffic » Road accidents in Europe | Road conditions and accidents Great Britain 2015

Road accidents by condition and severity in the United Kingdom 2015

Number of road accidents in the United Kingdom in 2015, by road condition and accident severity

The data displays the number of accidents on roads in Great Britain in 2015 according to the severity of the accident and the conditions of the road. There were more accidents on dry roads in daylight since there were also more cars on the road at these times. However, there was a higher rate of fatal accidents at night, whatever the condition.

There were 250 fatal accidents, and slightly over 12500 slight accidents recorded on wet, dark roads in Britain in 2015. On the other hand, there were 734 fatal accidents on dry roads in broad daylight, and more than 60 thousand slight accidents.

Daylight - dry 68427 11094 734
Daylight - wet or flood 18004 2780 225
Daylight - snow or ice 1002 128 8
Darkness - dry 17431 3280 389
Darkness - wet or flood 12549 2613 250
Darkness - snow or ice 726 124 8