Transportation & Logistics » Vehicles & Road Traffic » Road accidents in Europe | Road accidents at junctions Great Britain 2016

Junction road accidents in the United Kingdom 2016, by severity

Number of road accidents at different junction types in the United Kingdom in 2016, by severity

The data displays the number of reported accidents occurring at road junctions in Great Britain in 2015 according to accident severity. T or staggered junctions, including slip roads, were the most dangerous type of junction in the country in terms of fatal, serious and slight accidents. In comparison, junctions with more than four arms were the safest with only seven fatalities occurring in 2015.

In 2015, about forty thousand slight accidents, slightly over six thousand serious accidents, and almost 350 fatal accidents occurred at T junctions in Great Britain.

Roundabout 54 1465 12804
T or staggered 345 6295 40049
Crossroads 90 1629 12043
Junction with more than 4 arms 7 113 879
Private drive/entrance 47 785 4420
Other junction 41 452 2610