Transportation & Logistics » Vehicles & Road Traffic » Road accidents in Europe | Views on speed cameras in Great Britain 2006-2014

Opinions on the benefits of speed cameras in the United Kingdom 2006-2014

Do you agree that speed cameras save lives?

The data displays the share of opinions on the safety benefits of speed cameras in Great Britain between 2006 and 2014. The share of respondents who agreed or strongly agreed that speed cameras save lives increased from 54% in 2006 to 55% in 2013. Over the same period, the share of respondents who disagreed or strongly disagreed fell from 26% to 23%.

2006 14 40 15 19 7 2 2
2007 10 36 23 20 7 1 2
2008 10 38 18 20 8 1 3
2009 12 35 19 21 10 1 4
2010 10 39 21 22 5 1 1
2011 14 37 19 20 7 1 1
2012 19 34 22 15 8 1 2
2013 12 43 19 17 6 1 2
2014 12 43 19 16 6 2 3