Transportation & Logistics » Vehicles & Road Traffic » Road accidents in Europe | Young drivers' perceived acceptability of driving behaviors in the UK 2013

Young driver perceptions of the acceptability of driving behaviors in the United Kingdom 2013

Share of young motorists in the United Kingdom considering certain driving behaviours extremely unacceptable in July 2013, compared with all motorists

This survey shows how young drivers consider the unacceptability of driving behaviors compared with all drivers' perceptions in the UK in July 2013. With the sole exception of not wearing a seatbelt in the back of the car, young drivers considered all other driving behaviors to be less unacceptable than motorists as a whole did.

Drive when over the legal alcohol limit 96 94
Drive after taking class A drugs 95 97
Use mobile phone to text whilst driving 94 87
Use mobile phone without hands free 89 79
Drive after smoking cannabis 91 88
Shoplifting 90 88
Not wearing a seatbelt in the front of car 87 85
Drive without motor insurance 87 81
Drive too fast for conditions 80 69
Drive without valid MOT certificate 80 76
Drive when unsure if over legal alcohol limit 74 62
Not wearing a seatbelt in the back of car 70 74
Exceed the speed limit on a country road 60 55
Dropping litter on the street 67 45
Drive after drinking two pints 55 42
Carry on driving when too tired 52 37
Drive at 40 in a 30 mph area 50 38
Drive at 90 mph on a motorway when no traffic 42 35
Park on double yellow line 38 29
Use mobile phone with hands free 33 22