Volume of new passenger cars registered in the UK, 2003-2016

Total number of new passenger cars registered in the UK between 2003 and 2016

The data displays the number of new passenger cars registered in the UK from 2003 and 2016. A clear lull in sales of new cars can be seen which started 2005 and was exacerbated by the recession. However, there has been strong growth in the new car market in the United Kingdom since 2011 and total new car registrations in 2014 reached its highest point since 2004, almost reaching 2.5 million. In 2015, this growth continued and new registration figures hit over 2.6 million, 8.4% higher than the previous year. The UK car market was only topped by Germany within the EU.

2003 2579050
2004 2567269
2005 2439717
2006 2344864
2007 2404007
2008 2131795
2009 1994999
2010 2030846
2011 1941253
2012 2044609
2013 2264737
2014 2476435
2015 2633503
2016 2692786