Transportation & Logistics » Vehicles & Road Traffic » Tire Market in the U.S. | Commercial vehicles in use in the U.S. 2005-2015

Commercial vehicles in use in the United States 2005-2015

Number of commercial vehicles in use in the U.S. from 2005 to 2015 (in 1,000 units)

The data describes the number of commercial vehicles in use in the U.S. from 2005 through 2015. The number of commercial vehicles in use in the U.S. stood at approx. 121 million vehicles in 2011.

2005 104788
2006 109596
2007 113479
2008 113931
2009 116472
2010 119179
2011 121355
2012 130595
2013 132501
2014 137043
2015 141872