Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Accommodation » Airbnb | Sharing economy: willingness of U.S. travelers to rent out own home 2017

Willingness of U.S. travelers to rent out their home on sharing economy portals 2017

Would you rent out your home on portals like Airbnb while you are away?

The data displays the results of a survey conducted in the U.S. in May 2017. U.S. travelers were asked if they would rent out their home on portals like Airbnb while they are away. During the survey, 17% of the respondents stated that they would rent out their home while they are away, and they have already done so multiple times.

Yes, I have already done that multiple times 17
Yes, I have already done that once 11
No, but I could imagine doing so 29
No, and I am not interested 43