Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Accommodation » Serviced accommodation in the United Kingdom (UK) | Inbound visitors: overnight stays by accommodation used 2016

Inbound overnight stays in the UK 2016, by accommodation type

Number of nights spent by inbound visitors to United Kingdom in 2016, by type of accommodation (in thousands)

The data describes the number of overnight stays by inbound visitors to the UK in 2016, by type of accommodation. There were approx. 73.9 million overnight stays in hotels and guest houses by inbound travelers in the United Kingdom in 2016.

Free guest with relatives or friends 120730
Hotel/guest house 73926
Rented house/flat 25232
Hostel/university/school 21888
Paying guest family or friends house 7379
Bed & Breakfast 9566
Own home 5324
Camping/caravan 2272
Holiday village/centre 329
Other 11410