Most expensed hotels by North American business travelers 2018, by quarter

Most expensed hotels by business travelers in North America in 2018, by quarter

The data displays the most expensed hotels by business travelers in North America in 2018, by quarter. The most expensed hotel in the second quarter of 2018 was Hampton Inn with an expense percentage of 9.32.

In 2016, there were around 459 million business trips in the U.S., this was forecasted to rise to about 478 million in 2020.

Hampton Inn 9.32
Marriott 8.4
Courtyard by Marriott 7.2
Holiday Inn Express 4.9
Hilton Garden Inn 4.62
Hilton 4.38
Holiday Inn 3.55
DoubleTree 3.39
Hyatt 2.95
Fairfield Inn 2.76