Consumer Goods » Clothing » Second-hand retail in the United Kingdom (UK) | Second-hand goods retail sale: UK enterprises by turnover

Number of second-hand goods retail stores in the United Kingdom 2017, by turnover

Number of specialised stores for the retail sale of second-hand goods in the United Kingdom in 2017, by turnover size band

The data displays the number of VAT and/or PAYE based enterprises in the second-hand goods retail sector in the UK between March 2016 and March 2017, by turnover size band. As of March 2017, there were 55 enterprises with a turnover of more than 5 million GBP.

£0 - £49,999 400
£50,000 - £99,999 650
£100,000 - £249,999 1335
£250,000 - £499,999 800
£500,000 - £999,999 415
£1 million - £1.999 million 200
£2 million - £4.999 million 115
£5 million - £9.999 million 30
£10 million - £49.999 million 20
£50 million + 5