Economic contribution of travel and tourism to GDP worldwide 2006-2017

Direct and total contribution of travel and tourism to the global economy from 2006 to 2017 (Figures expressed in trillions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays the direct and total economic impact of travel and tourism on the global economy from 2006 to 2017. The direct economic contribution of travel and tourism amounted to approx. 2.57 trillion USD in 2017.

Global travel & tourism industry - additional information A highly valuable industry to the global economy, travel and tourism's contribution has stedily increased for over a decade. North America makes the biggest contribution in this area, closely followed by the European Union and North East Asia.

2006 1.91 6.03
2007 1.99 6.32
2008 1.94 6.33
2009 1.89 6.08
2010 1.93 6.24
2011 1.99 6.44
2012 2.06 6.63
2013 2.16 6.99
2014 2.36 7.58
2015 2.23 7.17
2016 2.31 7.61
2017 2.57 8.27