Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Business Travel » Travel and tourism in the United Kingdom (UK) | Direct travel and tourism GDP contribution UK 2012-2028

Travel and tourism's direct contribution to GDP in the UK 2012-2028

Direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in the United Kingdom from 2012 to 2028 (Figures are expressed in billions of British Pounds, except where otherwise indicated)

The data describes the direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in the UK from 2012 to 2018, with an additional forecast for 2028. Over this period, the direct contribution of the travel and tourism industry to GDP in the United Kingdom increased, reaching 75.1 billion GBP in 2017.

2012 63.8
2013 62.4
2014 65.1
2015 68.6
2016 70.7
2017 75.1
2018 76.7
2028 92.3