Leisure, Arts & Hospitality » Restaurants » Eating out behavior in the U.S. | Maximum time consumers would travel to visit a restaurant U.S. 2016

Maximum time U.S. consumers would spend on driving to a place to eat 2016

What is the maximum length of time that you would drive to a place to eat?

The data displays the results of a survey conducted in the U.S. in November 2016. U.S. consumers were asked what the maximum driving time would being to visit a restaurant. During the survey, 51% of the respondents stated the maximum length of time they would be willing to travel to a restaurant would be 16 to 30 minutes.

0 minutes 0
1 to 15 minutes 18
16 to 30 minutes 51
31 to 60 minutes 26
More than 60 minutes 5