Agriculture » Fishing » U.S. Seafood Industry | U.S. seafood department sales by segment, 2017

U.S. seafood department sales 2017, by segment

Seafood department sales in the United States in 2017, by segment (in U.S. dollars per store/week)

The data displays sales of the seafood department in the U.S. in 2017, broken down by segment. In that year, U.S. fresh shrimp sales amounted to 2,178 USD per store and week on average.

Fin fish 2698
Shrimp 2178
Prepared seafood other than surimi seafood and meals 1230
Crustaceans 736
Mollusks 237
Surimi seafood 124
Sauces and seasonings 121
Seafood side items 113
Seafood dips and spreads 32
Meals 17
Other 17