Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Beauty boxes in the U.S. | U.S. beauty box preferred number of items 2017

Ideal beauty box content volume according to potential female U.S. subscribers 2017

Preferred number of items in a beauty box according to potential female subscribers in the United States as of May 2017

The data displays the preferred number of items inside a beauty box according to female consumers in the U.S. who are likely to subscribe to one in the next 12 months as of May 2017. According to the survey of women interested in beauty and cosmetics, 45% of women surveyed stated that they would like 4 to 5 items per beauty box.

1 item 1
2-3 items 11
4-5 items 45
6-7 items 28
8-10 items 9
11-15 items 4
More than 15 items 3