Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Beiersdorf | Revenue of Beiersdorf AG worldwide by region 2001-2017

Beiersdorf AG's revenue worldwide 2001-2017, by region

Beiersdorf AG's revenue worldwide from 2001 to 2017, by region (Figures expressed in millions of euros)

The data displays the generated revenue of Beiersdorf's in selected regions from 2001 to 2017. Beiersdorf AG is a multinational corporation headquartered in Hamburg, Germany, manufacturing products for personal care. In 2017, revenue of Beiersdorf's European region reached about 3.57 billion euro.

2001 3183 903 456
2002 3410 819 513
2003 3329 638 468
2004 3388 635 523
2005 3498 687 591
2006 3717 738 665
2007 3909 782 816
2008 4090 832 1049
2009 3767 851 1130
2010 3450 932 1189
2011 3414 993 1226
2012 3417 1149 1474
2013 3390 1092 1659
2014 3421 1116 1748
2015 3447 1243 1996
2016 3461 1252 2039
2017 3568 1307 2181