Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Beiersdorf | U.S.: Total amount spent on skin care products in the last 3 months 2017

Total amount spent on skin care products in the last 3 months in U.S. 2017

U.S. population: How much money did you spend on skin care products in the last 3 months?

The data displays the amount of money spent on skin care products within one quarter in the U.S. in 2017. According to the data, 1.35 million Americans spent $500 or more on skin care products.

$500 or more 1.35
$300 - $499 2.31
$200 - $299 6.98
$100 - $199 20.95
$50 - $99 40.89
Less than $50 74.69