Agriculture » Fishing » U.S. Seafood Industry | How diners choose seafood in U.S. restaurants 2016

Seafood decision making process for U.S. diners in restaurants 2016

Share of diners by how they choose seafood when eating in a restaurant in the United States in 2016

The data displays the share of diners by how they choose seafood when eating in a restaurant in the U.S. in 2016. During the survey, 49% of the respondents stated that they make their decision to eat seafood after looking at the menu choices.

I make my decision to have fish or seafood after looking at the menu choices 49
I decide before arriving that I will have fish or seafood for that meal 25
I often decide to eat a specific fish/seafood item based on the “catch of the day” or a wait staff recommendation 16
I only eat seafood there, so that is always my choice 9