Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Global halal market | Halal cosmetics: forecasted market value in the U.S. 2014-2025

Halal cosmetics market value in the United States 2014-2025, by category

Forecasted market value of halal cosmetics in the United States from 2014 to 2025, by category (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays the forecasted market value of halal cosmetics in the U.S. from 2014 to 2025, by category. In 2016, the U.S. market value of halal skin care products amounted to approx. 130 million USD and is forecasted to increase to 270 million dollars by 2025.

2014 110 80 70 60
2015 120 90 80 70
2016 130 100 80 70
2017 140 100 90 70
2018 160 110 100 80
2019 170 120 110 90
2020 180 130 110 90
20121 200 140 130 100
2022 210 150 130 110
2023 230 160 140 110
2024 250 180 150 120
2025 270 190 160 130