Sales of the leading shampoo brands in the United States 2017

Leading shampoo brands in the United States in 2017, based on sales (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.14111.52111.5262.7562.7557.6457.6448.8448.8440.5340.5339.0439.0438.0138.0134.1534.1533.2933.2932.3732.37OgxSuave ProfessionalsGarnier Whole BlendsDove Men Plus CareSuave EssentialsTresemme Moisture RichGarnier Fructis Sleek & ShinePantene Pro V Daily Moisture RenewalBatisteDove Nutritive Solutions0102030405060708090100110120

The data displays the leading shampoo brands in the U.S. in 2017, based on sales. In that year, Suave Professionals was the second leading U.S. shampoo brand with sales of 62.75 million USD.

Hair Care Products MarketHair care is a dynamic and complex market, driven by the fundamental fact that people are always looking for hair that is more beautiful, healthier and easier to style. Consumers look for brands and products that meet their needs emotionally, delivering on the desire to have beautiful hair and functionally, to combat common hair problems.

Ogx 111.52
Suave Professionals 62.75
Garnier Whole Blends 57.64
Dove Men Plus Care 48.84
Suave Essentials 40.53
Tresemme Moisture Rich 39.04
Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine 38.01
Pantene Pro V Daily Moisture Renewal 34.15
Batiste 33.29
Dove Nutritive Solutions 32.37