Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Hair care product and shampoo market in the U.S. | Sales share of the leading hair conditioner brands in the U.S. 2016

Sales distribution of the leading hair conditioner brands in the United States 2016

Sales share of the leading hair conditioner brands in the United States in 2016
Created with Highcharts's A 10 MiracleGarnier FructisSleek And ShineShea MoisturePantene Pro VDly Moistur RenewlTresemme Moisture RichSuave ProfessionalsGarnier Whole BlendsNexxus HumectressLoreal Advanced Haircare Ttl Rpr 500.511.522.533.544.555.566.57

The data displays the sales share of the leading hair conditioner brands in the U.S. in 2016. In that year, Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine hair conditioner brand had a sales share of 2.5% in the U.S.

Organix 6.6
It's A 10 Miracle 2.8
Garnier Fructis
Sleek And Shine
Shea Moisture 2.3
Pantene Pro V
Dly Moistur Renewl
Tresemme Moisture Rich 1.7
Suave Professionals 1.6
Garnier Whole Blends 1.6
Nexxus Humectress 1.4
Loreal Advanced Haircare Ttl Rpr 5 1.2