Barber: average visit frequency in the UK 2017

Average frequency of barber visits in the United Kingdom in 2017 (in weeks)

The data shows the average barber visit frequency in weeks based on treatments in the UK in 2017. As we can see from the statistic, a re-style is the least most frequented service a customer can buy, with people going every 5.8 weeks for this . The most frequented service at a barbers shop is for a cut throat shave, where people go every 2.5 weeks to get this service. The next most frequented service was for a beard trim with an average of 2.8 week per visit.

Wash, cut and finish 3.5
Beard trim 2.8
Wet shave 3
Re-style 5.8
Cut throat shave 2.5
Cliper cut 2.8
Dry cut 3.5
Hot towel shave 3.1
Wet cut 3.5