Leading brands of refillable razors for men in the United Kingdom 2017, by number of users

Brands of refillable razors for men ranked by number of users in the United Kingdom in 2017 (in thousands)

The data displays a ranking of the leading brands of refillable razors for men in the UK in 2017, by number of users. In 2017, an estimated 4.9 million people used Boots.

Gillette Fusion/Fusion Power/Proglide 4923
Gillette Mach 3/Mach 3 Turbo 3939
Other refillable razors 2210
Gillette Contour/Contour Plus 1318
Wilkinson Sword Hydro 3/5 1290
Gillette GII/GII Plus 857
Boots 837
Gillette M3 Power 817
Gillette Sensor Excel/Sensor 3 790
Wilkinson Sword Classic 720
Wilkinson Sword Quattro/Quattro Titanium 638
Wilkinson Sword Profile/Profile Plus 353
Wilkinson Sword Quattro Titanium Precision 334
Wilkinson Sword Protector 3D/3D Diamond 319
King of Shaves 294