Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Natural and organic cosmetics in the U.S. | Natural or organic cosmetics: green cosmetics demand by country 2016

Global demand for green feature in cosmetics products in 2016, by country

Demand for “natural or organic” or “environmentally-friendly or ethical” cosmetics worldwide as of 2016, by country

The data displays the demand for “natural or organic” or “environmentally-friendly or ethical” cosmetics worldwide as of 2016, by country. That year, 53% of consumers in Indonesia claimed that green features is more prominent in cosmetics selection decisions.

Indonesia 53
India 51
China 42
Middle East 42
Turkey 34
Colombia 33
Mexico 29
Russia 29
Italy 25
Thailand 25
Poland 23
South Africa 23
Australia 22
Brazil 21
France 19
South Korea 19
Germany 18
United Kingdom 17
USA 15
Japan 8