Cosmetics and toiletries import value into the United Kingdom 2008-2017

Value of cosmetics, toiletry and soap imports in the United Kingdom from 2008 to 2017, by EU and non-EU trade (Figures are expressed in millions of British Pounds, except where otherwise indicated)

The data displays the total import value of cosmetics, toilet and soap goods from EU and non-EU countries into the UK from 2008 to 2017. In 2017, approx. four billion pounds worth of cosmetics were imported into the United Kingdom, around 2.6 billion of which were from within the European Union member countries.

2008 1727.8 690.3
2009 1887.3 679.7
2010 1956.9 812.6
2011 2001.7 847.1
2012 1989.2 888.8
2013 2120.8 969.4
2014 2178.3 993.8
2015 2088.5 1087.8
2016 2378.4 1184.1
2017 2603.5 1360.4