Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Organic Consumers | Organic beauty and personal care: consumer attitudes by age group U.S. 2017

U.S. consumer attitudes towards organic beauty and care products 2017, by age group

Attitudes towards organic beauty and personal care products among consumers in the United States as of May 2017, by age group

The data displays the attitudes towards organic beauty and personal care products among consumers in the U.S. as of May 2017, by age group. During the survey, 41% of responding U.S. consumers aged 18 to 29 years reported that they believe organic personal care and cosmetics products are healthier than conventional products.

Organic personal care and cosmetics products are more nurturing than conventional personal care and cosmetics products 37 23 13
Organic personal care and cosmetics products are healthier than conventional personal care and cosmetics products 41 39 27
I use organic personal care and cosmetics products with a better conscience 30 27 12
With personal care and cosmetics products, all you pay for is the brand, not the efficacy or quality of ingredients 17 27 23
Conventional personal care and cosmetics products cause water and soil contamination when washed down the sink 13 16 5
Conventional personal care and cosmetics products are full of toxic chemicals 14 15 7
None of the above 12 22 39