Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Sun Care Industry | Value of the Western European sun care market 2006-2016, by segment

Value of Western Europe sun care market 2006-2016, by segment

Value of the sun care market in Western Europe from 2006 to 2016, by segment (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data illustrates the value of the sun care market in Western Europe from 2006 to 2016, by segment. In 2012, the aftersun segment of the sun care market had a retail value of about 409.1 million USD.

2006 2809.5 387.3 299.8 2122.4
2007 2915.6 397.8 305.3 2212.5
2008 3014.1 412.8 304.9 2296.4
2009 3089.8 426.2 284.6 2379
2010 3117 427 273.9 2416.1
2011 3091.7 417 273.3 2401.3
2012 3047.8 409.1 269.5 2369.2
2013 3027.2 404.4 266.2 2356.6
2014 3025.8 401.4 264 2360.3
2015 3039.5 401.3 263.3 2374.8
2016 3065.5 402.2 263.1 2400.2