Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Sun Care Industry | U.S.: Bottels of face suntan / sunscreen, after sun and sunless tanning products used within 12 months 2017

Usage frequency of face tanning products in the United States 2016/2017

U.S. population: Bottles of face suntan / sunscreen, after sun and sunless tanning products used within 12 months in 2016 and 2017

The data displays the number of bottles of face suntan / sunscreen, after sun and sunless tanning products used in the U.S. in 2016 and 2017. According to the data, 12.52 million Americans used 4 or more bottles / tubes in 2017.

4 or more bottles / tubes 10.68 11.85 11.85 11.13 11.97 10.98 12.52
3 bottles / tubes 8.59 8.76 8.68 8.29 9.24 9.33 10.29
2 bottles / tubes 19.87 20.95 19.73 20.33 20.52 22.57 22.81
1 bottle / tube 36.42 35.63 35.5 35.27 36.28 37.79 39.94
Less than 1 bottle / tube 31.92 31.55 30.54 32.65 32.16 33.55 35.62
None 4.15 3.7 3.74 4.41 3.93 4.32 4.33