Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Sun Care Industry | U.S.: Preferred types of suntan / sunscreen, after sun and sunless tanning products 2011-2017

Suntan / sunscreen / after sun / sunless tanning products in the United States 2011-2017

U.S. population: Preferred types of suntan / sunscreen, after sun and sunless tanning products from 2011 to 2017

The data displays the types of suntan / sunscreen, after sun and sunless tanning products used most often in the U.S. from 2011 to 2017. According to the data, 91.33 million Americans used spf 30+ suntan / sunscreen, after sun and sunless tanning products in 2017.

Spf 30+ 82.4 84.87 86.88 86.64 88.74 89.91 91.33
Spf 15-29 27.14 25.18 22.28 22.96 20.95 20.03 19.41
Spf 1-14 9.27 9.1 8.35 8.41 8.14 8.02 7.98
Sunless tan/self-tanners 6.71 6.71 6.78 6.83 6.88 6.92 7
Tan accelerator/ magnifier 3.74 4.27 3.68 3.58 4.19 3.79 3.09
After sun products 5.71 5.83 5.39 5.64 6.87 8.33 7.58