Consumer Goods » Cosmetics & Personal Care Products » Sun Care Industry | U.S.: Most used types of suntan, sunscreen and sunless tanning products 2017

Most used types of suntan, sunscreen and sunless tanning products in the United States 2017

U.S. population: Which types of suntan / sunscreen and sunless tanning products do you use most often?

The data displays the types of suntan / sunscreen and sunless tanning products used most often in the U.S. in 2017. According to the data, 116.11 million Americans used suntan lotion / sunscreen in 2017.

Suntan Lotion / Sunscreen 116.11
Sun Block (SPF 30-49) 58.8
Sun Block (SPF 50-99) 32.46
Sun Block (SPF 15-29) 25.81
Sun screen (SPF 1-14) 8.71
After sun products 8.33
Sunless Tan / Self-tanners 7.99
Sun Block (SPF 100+) 4.95
Tan Accelerator / Magnifier 3.79