Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Bread and Bakery Products | U.S. shipment value of commercial bakery products 2016

U.S. shipment value of commercial bakery products 2002-2016

Value of U.S. shipments of commercial bakery products from 2002 to 2016 (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays the value of shipments of commercial bakery products in the U.S. from 2002 to 2016. In 2016, the U.S. shipment value of commercial bakery products amounted to about 30.59 billion USD.

2002 21.3
2003 20.3
2004 21.3
2005 22.7
2006 22.9
2007 23.8
2008 24.9
2009 25.5
2010 25.6
2011 26.5
2012 25.1
2013 28.22
2014 29.14
2015 30.14
2016 30.59