Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Bread and bakery products in Europe | Europe: bread and bakery consumption volume per capita 2021

Europe: bread and bakery consumption volume per capita 2010-2021, by category

Average bread and bakery consumption volume per capita in Europe from 2010 to 2021, by category (in kilograms)
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The data shows the average bread and bakery consumption volume per capita in Europe from 2010 to 2017, by category, along with forecasted figures to 2021. Over the period in consideration, the average consumption volume per capita in the preserved pastry goods and cakes segments increased from 18 kilograms in 2010 to 20 kilograms by 2017.

2010 57 39 18
2011 56 39 18
2012 56 39 18
2013 57 38 18
2014 56 38 19
2015 57 37 19
2016 57 37 20
2017 57 37 20
2018 57 36 21
2019 57 36 21
2020 57 36 21
2021 57 35 22