Number of bakery companies in Europe in 2016, by country

Number of bakery companies for selected countries in Europe in 2016, by country
Created with Highcharts 5.0.141 9741 9741 2701 270896896741741499499381381300300160160151151147147ItalyPolandSpainFranceGermanyPortugalHungaryCzech RepublicUnited KingdomSweden01002003004005006007008009001000110012001300140015001600170018001900200021…2100

The data displays the number of bakery companies for selected countries in Europe in 2016. Italy has the biggest number of bakery companies with a total of 1,974, followed by Poland with 1,270.

Italy 1974
Poland 1270
Spain 896
France 741
Germany 499
Portugal 381
Hungary 300
Czech Republic 160
United Kingdom 151
Sweden 147
Belgium 141
Austria 135
Lithuania 117
Finland 85
Netherlands 70
Slovenia 64
Slovakia 33
Latvia 30
Denmark 26
Estonia 15
Ireland 11
Cyprus 0
Malta 0
Greece 0