Leading brands of bread in the UK 2014-2017, by number of users

Brands of bread ranked by number of users in the United Kingdom from 2014 to 2017 (in thousand)
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1412 06812 0687 1597 1594 2374 2373 4233 4233 1723 1722 8782 8782 1292 1292 0652 06511 37411 3741 6051 60511 72811 7286 7146 7144 1824 1823 3343 3342 9822 9822 8172 8172 2232 2231 8481 8481 7081 7081 7081 70812 57012 5706 2836 2834 3184 3183 5253 5253 3533 3533 2563 2562 4062 4061 8051 8051 7491 7491 7491 74912 17012 1706 5636 5634 3204 3203 6033 6033 8373 8373 0913 0912 6352 6351 6771 6771 7271 7271 7271 727WarburtonsTescoSainsbury'sMorrisonsAsdaLocal BakersAllinsonNew York Bakery CoHovisBurgen01k2k3k4k5k6k7k8k9k10k11k12k13k14k

The data displays a ranking of the leading bread brands in the UK from 2014 to 2017, by number of users. In 2017, an estimated 12 million people used Warburtons .

The difference in the the volume of bread sold is starker than the difference that distinguishes these brands based on number of users. In 2016, the amount of bread sold by Warburton's, weighed in at 336 million kilograms. Nearest rival Hovis, sold 221.2 million kilograms of bread in the same year, followed by Kingsmill with 212.4 million kilograms. Bread is a key component of an average diet in the UK.

Warburtons 12068 11728 12570 12170
Tesco 7159 6714 6283 6563
Sainsbury's 4237 4182 4318 4320
Morrisons 3423 3334 3525 3603
Asda 3172 2982 3353 3837
Local Bakers 2878 2817 3256 3091
Allinson 2129 2223 2406 2635
New York Bakery Co 2065 1848 1805 1677
Hovis 11374 1708 1749 1727
Burgen 1605 1708 1749 1727
M&S 1628 1494 1619 1317
Mother's Pride 762 779 909 938
Weight Watchers 597 506 820 834
Genius 495 447 557 403
Kingsmill 11019 447 557 403
Sunblest 448 428 420 493
Nimble 475 399 568 563
Other Supermarket's Own Brand 6924 5702 5289 4684
Others 3541 3333 3243 3561