Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Edible Insects | Edible insects: forecast global market value by region 2018-2023

Global edible insects market size by region 2018-2023

Market value of edible insects worldwide in 2018 and 2023, by region (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data illustrates the projected market value of edible insects worldwide in 2018 and 2023, by region. According to the report, the market value of edible insects in Europe is forecast to reach 261.5 million USD by 2023.

Asia-Pacific 173.9 476.9
Latin America 92.2 250.6
Europe 82.1 261.5
North America 44.1 153.9
Middle East and Africa 14.2 38.7