Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Ethnic Foods | Menu trends: leading breakfast/brunch items U.S. 2018

Leading trends in breakfast/brunch items on restaurant menus in the United States 2018

Leading trends in breakfast/brunch items on restaurant menus in the United States in 2018

The data displays the leading five trends in breakfast/brunch items on restaurant menus in the U.S. as forecasted by professional chefs for 2018. During the survey, 63% of the respondents stated that ethnic-inspired breakfast items (e.g. Asian-flavored syrups, Chorizo scrambled eggs, coconut milk pancakes) would be a "hot trend" for restaurant menus in 2018.

Restaurant trends - additional information During a survey among chef members of the American Culinary Federation it was found that new cuts of meats and African flavors would be seen as the “hot trend” for restaurant menus in 2018.

Ethnic-inspired breakfast 63
Avocado toast 45
Traditional ethnic breakfast 39
Overnight oats 36
Breakfast hash 29