Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Food Recalls | U.S. consumers' feelings about the number of food recalls, 2014

U.S. consumers' feelings about the number of food recalls 2014

Consumers' feelings about the number of health- or safety-related food recalls in the United States in 2014

The data describes the results of a survey among 2,236 U.S. consumers. The survey was conducted online by Harris Interactive in January 2014, asking the respondents to describe their feelings about the amount of food recalls due to health- or safety-related issues in the past few years. Some 43% of U.S. adults reported that feel that there have been more food health or safety issues prompting product recalls in the past years.

More than in the past few years 43
About the same as in the past few years 50
Fewer than in the past few years 7