Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Fruit Consumption | U.S. consumers trying to eat more fresh produce by mealtime 2017

Share of U.S. consumers trying to eat more fresh produce 2017, by mealtime

Share of consumers in the United States trying to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables in 2017, by mealtime

The data illustrates the results of a survey in which United States consumers were asked if and when they were trying to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. According to the survey, 56% of the respondents were trying to eat more fruits and vegetables in the form of a snack. Only 6% of the respondents stated that they were not trying to consume more fresh produce.

With breakfast 36
With lunch 42
With dinner 44
As a snack 56
In smoothies/freshly-squeezed juice 23
Don't try to consume more 6