Consumer Goods » Food, Beverages & Tobacco » Local Foods | Consumers' leading reasons for choosing global and local brands worldwide, 2015

Leading factors for choosing global and local brands among consumers worldwide 2015

Leading reasons for choosing local versus global brands among consumers worldwide in 2015
Created with Highcharts 5.0.144343282828282525242442423232313131312626Better price/valuePositive experience with the brandSafer ingridients and processingBetter product benefitsSale or promotion of the brand01020304050

The data describes the results of a consumer survey that illustrates the leading reasons for choosing local and global brands among consumers worldwide in 2015. The survey found out that some 43% of respondents name "better price/value" as the leading reason for choosing local brands.

Better price/value 43 42
Positive experience with the brand 28 32
Safer ingridients and processing 28 31
Better product benefits 25 31
Sale or promotion of the brand 24 26